04 November 2012

Tulsa, OK

This past weekend we headed to Tulsa, OK to visit my brother. My parents also came down. We hadn't been to Tulsa to see Matt's house yet and this past weekend was his birthday so what better weekend to go! The kids were great travelers and Katelyn only asked about 100 times how many more miles until we get to Uncles? But other than that it was great! :)

We went to the Tulsa Zoo on Saturday afternoon and saw lots of great animals. The weather was perfect and the zoo was just the right size to do in an afternoon. Katelyn was so excited to see the giraffes and kept requesting to see them over and over again until we made it to them. I think Giraffes are her favorite because at the last 2 zoos we have been too, they have been the most interactive (Zookeepers feeding the adults and bottle feeding the babies).

We were sure to sport our purple in the middle of "Cowboy" country! I was surprised to see several other K-State fans at the zoo and not as many OSU fans as I had thought. 

Now for the slew of pictures......

My 2 cuties!


Love this pictures of Will! He's going to have all the girls after him with those killer eyes ;)

And then there was a photo session! :)

I like this one because Jack is actually smiling :)



 And there was lots of puzzle and coloring time! It was nice that she had someone else to do puzzles with for once ! And of course Grandma was soaking up all the puzzle time she was getting ;)

And Uncle Matt's house has the door stops on the floor (Ours are on the back-top of our doors) and Will found himself a cool new toy! He was pretty fascinated with them. I remember when Katelyn found the ones in our house in GA - she was about his age at the time.
Boinnnng, Boiiiiiiinnnnng.....
And lastly, there was a lot of 'hoopin and hollerin' for the purple and white! K-State held there ground against Oklahoma State to keep their #2 rank! What a game it was!!

We had a great weekend and were glad that we could celebrate Matt's birthday with him! We were also able to stop in Springfield on the way home and have dinner with some great friends. Katelyn had a blast seeing Reagan and of course didn't want to come home. She wanted to bring her "best friend" home with her to play. There were about 50 hugs given between the 2 before we could leave. I just love watching them play and be so happy to see each other! Precious!

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