30 December 2012

Sledding Adventures

We headed to Grammie and Pops on Thursday (12/27/12) after Christmas to have Christmas with Jack's family. They got a decent amount of snow on Tuesday/Wednesday and there was still plenty left for us to have some fun in when we got there on Thursday! The kids got sleds as part of their Christmas present...what perfect timing!!!

Even Will was ok with the chilly temps. Luckily, Aunt Rachel had brought a snow suit for cousin David, but he was taking a nap when we headed out so Will slipped it on. At least it kept his behind warm! Thanks for sharing Aunt Rachel!

Let the sledding begin! This was Katelyn's first time and boy did she love it! It might have been the highlight of her weekend.

Having a blast!

(The videos of Katelyn sledding by herself were all too big to load so this one of her and Jack together will have to do!)
But man, the coming back up the hill part really stunk! The girls kept saying...this hill is sooo steep!

2 sleddin' girls! (Cousin Sadie)

Daddy even went down with Katelyn.....and they had to hop off before they went swimming!

Even Pops went too!

Just enjoying everything!

A cute lil bear watching the kids and Pops at the bottom of the hill.

Then Daddy found his sled from when he was a kid....and it had a steering wheel!

Our 2 cute bundles!

Even Sadie jumped on!

Mommy and Will!

And then Katelyn took the ol' sled for a test ride.......and so did Jack. And it didn't break!!

The sledding adventures couldn't end without some excitement.
On the last day we were there this happened......

...good thing Katelyn jumped off in time or she would have gone for a swim!

And good thing I wasn't out there when this happened....I probably would have been loosing my mind!!

This was her last sled of the trip. But if we weren't about to leave, I don't think the sled going in the pond would have stopped her from getting on the other sled and going for more rides. She just loved it!

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